Taimoor khan, taimoor khan
Taimoor khan, taimoor khan

About Me

Hello there! My name is Taimoor khan

“If you are not going to tell the world who you are, the world is not going to tell you, how good you are.”

Hi, I am Taimoor with 3 years of experience as a Software Engineer, I excel in Mobile app development, particularly leveraging Flutter, Dart, and Firebase. I also possess strong skills in Python, HTML, CSS, Django, and Bootstrap for web development projects. Proficient in version control systems like GitHub and GitLab, I adeptly integrate RESTful APIs with Flutter applications. As a fast learner, I have actively participated in numerous hackathons, where I played key roles and often led teams. My experience as a team lead enhances my ability to manage projects effectively and collaboratively.

Tech Stack

Change is inevitable, so I keep on exploring new technology, learn it in a minimal possible way and then build something out of it to see how well I did :)

Mobile development

Web development

Server side


Version controlloing & management

UI/UX Design

Taimoor khan, taimoor khan


Stuf I'm in loved working with

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Reflection of what I've been doing so far, so long.

Community Work

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"




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In-person Engagements

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Let's build something together :)